Every K-12 teacher at a school within the city limits of Elmhurst is entitled to teacher borrowing privileges. The highest-ranking administrator (i.e. superintendent, principal, director, home educator) must sign an Agreement of Service* with the Library each school year.
*An Agreement of Service authorizes teacher borrowing privileges for new teachers and for teachers with existing privileges. Teacher borrowing privileges allow you to check out Elmhurst Public Library materials for your classroom. The school or daycare accepts responsibility for replacement costs for materials that are not returned. If you have never had teacher borrowing privileges, first contact your organization’s school librarian or administrative office.
If you have a class assignment or required reading lists, let us know! We can pull materials to temporarily house on our Homework Shelf in the Kids’ Library for your students to easily find and check out. We also keep copies of required reading lists at the Kids’ Desk for easy reference when your students come to visit us for assistance.
Have us visit your school or classroom, or plan a visit to EPL! We offer a variety of programs, both in-person and virtual (live or pre-recorded):
Grades K-5. Based on the current year’s Monarch, Bluestem, and Caudill nominees, we can tailor storytimes, book talks, and interactive lessons for classrooms or school library time.
Grades 2-5. Want to offer new book recommendations to your students? We can come in to share new and popular book titles offered at the Library.
Grades K-5. Schedule a time for Elmhurst Public Library to meet with your after-school club.
Grades 2-5. We will tailor an interactive lesson on creative storytelling for your students.
Grades K-5. Elmhurst Public Library offers a variety of databases for students to access at home with their EPL card, or in the building on a public computer without a library card. In your classroom or school library, we can offer an informative session on what databases are available and how to use them.
Grades K-5. Take a behind-the-scenes tour, and enjoy a library scavenger hunt! Field trips are a great way for your students to familiarize themselves with all the Library has to offer.
Grades K-5. We love to encourage your students’ participation in our Winter and Summer Reading Programs here at EPL. We plan for these visits and promotions in December (Winter) and April/May (Summer).
Grades K-5. Allow us to visit your school library for a day, shadowing and assisting with activities during library time, or presenting a special program, lesson, or storytime.
Grades K-5. The Library can be at your next school event! We can be present at curriculum nights, family reading nights, PTA events, back-to-school events, and more with an information table, activities, or stories to share with a crowd.
Grades 2-5. Let us set up a STEM playground, featuring classroom sets from our teacher technology collection. We can provide a mix of games and self-directed options for your students to play, explore, and learn.
Grades K-2. Have us visit as a mystery reader or provide a themed storytime in your classroom or during school library time.
District 205 students who live in unincorporated Elmhurst or in surrounding unincorporated areas who participate in the Federal Free or Reduced-Price School Meal Program may apply for an EPL card free of charge. Learn more about how to get a card.
Heather Forster Jensen
School Services Coordinator (Grades K-5)
For general inquiries, please contact us at TeacherRequests@elmlib.org.