
Homework Help

Tutor.com Learning Suite

Tutoring and Career Center available from 10 a.m.-Midnight everyday.

(Overview) Whether you have a math problem, research paper or tough science assignment, Homework Help from Tutor.com can assist you. Students in grades K-12, early college, and curious adults can work with a tutor in English or Spanish. Subjects covered include math, science, English, and social studies.



  • World Book Encyclopedia  More than 25,000 encyclopedia articles for students from grades 4 through 12.
  • Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia  An easy-to-use encyclopedia, with over 25,000 articles for elementary, middle school and high school students.
  • Scholastic GO!  An encyclopedia for grades 3–8. Includes information on animals, U.S. states, countries, science, and more. This is a compilation of the former databases: Amazing AnimalsAmerica the BeautifulLands and Peoples, New Book of KnowledgeNew Book of Popular ScienceGrolier Encyclopedia, and Encyclopedia Americana.


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