Local Job Listings
Area Websites:
Job Search Engines
Job listings are pulled from job boards, company websites, newspapers, industry associations, online classifieds and more.
National Job Listings
The first three sites are the well-known national job boards that include listings from companies and organizations all over the country and the world. They also include advice for job hunters.
Planning Your Job Search
These meta sites are a great place to start your job search. They contain links for everything from specialized job listings to salary surveys to resume advice. The experts who maintain these meta sites review and screen all the sites they include to insure that users are getting quality information.
- Job-hunt.org A well-organized site that includes many articles to advise job hunters.
- Jobhuntersbible.com Site of What Color is Your Parachute? author Richard Nelson Bolles.
Action Verbs and Keywords for Your Resume
Career Counseling
- Career Services at the College of DuPage – The Career Services Center offers career resources and opportunities for students, alumni and residents of Community College District 502.
- People’s Resource Center – People’s Resource Center is located in Wheaton and Westmont. They offer job assistance, job coaching, resume creation, interview practice and workshops.
- WorkNet DuPage – This Career Center in Lisle has job search workshops, career counseling, job fairs, and job clubs. See the ABC-Channel 7 news report here.
Circulating books are located in the following areas:
- General Job Searching – 650.14
- Resumes – 650.142
- Job Interviews – 650.144
- Careers / Occupations – 331.702