
R&R – Phone Numbers

U.S. Business Directory (Reference Solutions, formerly ReferenceUSA, by Data Axle) Find information on 14 million US Businesses. Search using a number of criteria including geography, size, SIC codes, ticker symbol and more. Provides directory information including contact, owner, major industry information and more. Need help? Try these training guides.

Residential Directory (Reference Solutions, formerly ReferenceUSA, by Data Axle) Database of 135 Million US Residential Households to locate friends and relatives. Records are continuously updated and processed against the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) and Delivery Sequence File (DSF). Selection criteria include: Name, Address and more. Need help? Try these training guides.

DemographicsNow: Business & People Create comprehensive business and residential lists, obtain detailed demographic reports and visualize trends using maps.

Mergent Intellect, powered by Hoovers, delivers comprehensive company, industry, and market intelligence. Our database of 12 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 40,000 of the world’s top business enterprises, is at the core of our business tools and services that customers find vital to their business operations. Hoover’s editorial staff of some 80 editors and researchers brings vital business information and knowledge to its coverage, updating the site daily to bring our visitors and subscribers the most up-to-date business information in the industry.

National Do Not Call Registry Offers registration for consumers to stop telemarketers from calling. If you are still receiving unwanted calls, report them here: National Do Not Call Registry Report Unwanted Calls Form (While you are at it, stop the junk mail from coming to your house Unsolicited Mail, Telemarketing and Email: Where to Go to “Just Say No”.)

FCC Unwanted Phone Call Complaint Form Report unwanted phone calls, including calls from spoofed numbers (numbers with fake caller ID), to the FCC. The FCC does not resolve individual complaints but uses consumer complaints to inform policy and enforcement.

Stop Unwanted Robocalls and Texts Consumer Guide Consult this guide from the FCC to get more information about stopping unwanted calls and texts on your cell phone or landline.


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