You can reach out to us for help connecting with resources for:
Phone: (630) 279-8696 ext. 374
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides one-time benefits to income eligible homeowners and renters to help with energy bills and for reconnection of energy service. Propane customers are encouraged to apply when the program opens in September to take greater advantage of lower propane prices. Propane prices typically increase during the winter months so by applying early propane customers will see their LIHEAP benefit go further. Applications are being accepted through August 15, 2024.
211 is an important service used by millions of people across North America and now in DuPage County. Every day, clients contact 211 to access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veteran services and childcare and family services. Click the link above or dial 211 for assistance.
It’s never too late to continue your education! Click the link above for GED testing sites and classes!
Looking for a quick resource? Our resource binder contains services ranging from housing to legal that are available to you! Be sure to call first as agency hours and requirements may have changed.