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Get a Library Card

Apply in Person

Residents of Incorporated Elmhurst:

Present an official photo ID showing name and current Elmhurst address. A valid, non-expired Driver’s License or State ID with current address is sufficient. If photo ID does not show current address, please provide one of the following documents in addition to your photo ID to verify residency.

  • Utility Bill (Must be issued within the last 2 months)
  • Property Tax Bill
  • Lease

Additional documents not listed, may be acceptable upon review by staff.

Residents of Incorporated Elmhurst under 14 years of age:

  • May use identification with the family name and address (see above)
  • Must also have a signature of a parent who has an Elmhurst library card in good standing on their library card application

Residents of Unincorporated Elmhurst:

  • Residents of unincorporated Elmhurst and those living in areas served by School District 205 may purchase a library card. Please call the Library’s Circulation Department for details at 630-279-8696 ext. 354.

Unincorporated District 205 Students with Income Eligibility

  • District 205 students who live in unincorporated Elmhurst or in surrounding unincorporated areas who participate in the Federal Free or Reduced-Price School Meal Program may apply for a card free of charge:

Cards for Kids Application Form

  • Complete the form and print or save it as a pdf. Obtain a signature from a school official. Return the signed form to the Circulation Desk or by e-mail to circulation@elmlib.org. Scanning and printing are available at the Library. Questions? Call (630) 279-8696.

Owners of Elmhurst Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations:

  • An authorized agent of the business may apply for a library card. The authorized agent must supply a copy of their lease, property tax bill, or business license. Read more about Business Library Cards.

Employees of Elmhurst Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations:

  • If you work in Elmhurst, bring your home library card and your official employer photo ID or payroll stub to the Circulation Desk and ask for your “Elmhurst Work Perks.” Read more about Work Perks.

Elmhurst University Students:

Apply Online (Temporary Online Access Card)

Residents of Incorporated Elmhurst:

Elmhurst residents can sign up for a digital-only account. This account is temporary. To enjoy full library privileges and continue online access, please come into the Library to complete the registration process within a month. You will need to bring proof of residency at the point of pickup.




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Please respond by May 11, 2022.