
Guidelines for Kids & Caregivers

Library Conduct

While visiting the Library, remember to be courteous and respect the rights of others.

  • Speak quietly so you do not disturb others.
  • Shoving and hitting are not allowed in the Library, whether it is between strangers, friends or family members. Throwing books, puppets and other objects is not allowed.
  • Walk at all times. Running is not allowed in the Library.
  • Standing or jumping on chairs or climbing on furniture and shelves is not allowed.
  • People over seven years old may not lie on the floor.
  • Please leave books or other Library materials on a table or hand them to a librarian. Do not leave them on the floor.
  • Covered drinks are allowed throughout the Library except in the Kids’ Program Room. Food may be eaten only in the lobby.

From Library policy 3.17: Public Conduct Policy

Child Safety

The Library is a public building. You should not assume that children will be safe on their own in the library.

Children younger than nine years of age must be under the direct supervision of a parent or other responsible caregiver, age 12 or older, at all times while in the Library. This older person is responsible for the child’s safety and behavior, and should remain in the Kids’ Library even while the child attends a program.

Adults unaccompanied by children (who are not using the Kids’ Library collection) are asked to remain outside the Kids’ Library.

From Library policy 3.15: Safety of Children in the Library


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