Makery FAQ

Who can use The Makery?

Makery equipment may be reserved by:
  • Elmhurst residents
  • Students who attend Elmhurst schools
  • Teachers who teach at Elmhurst schools
  • Work Perks cardholders
  • Business cardholders
  • Elmhurst University students
Patrons from other libraries who register their card at the checkout desk may use the Makery on a walk-in basis. The Makery is reserved specifically for the use of Makery equipment and services. Please use other areas in the Library to read, study, or do group work.

Are kids allowed in The Makery?

Kids are allowed with adult supervision. The Makery contains equipment that can be dangerous if not operated properly. Patrons younger than middle school age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver.

What does The Makery cost?

The Makery is free to use but there is a cost for some materials. Quantities for some materials are limited. If your project requires high quantities, you may need to purchase materials from a retailer. See the Makery Price List.

How do I pay for materials?

Materials must be paid for before leaving the Makery. You may pay with cash, card, or electronic payment (e.g. Apple Pay).

Can I bring my own materials?

Yes. All materials are subject to approval by Makery staff to ensure safety of the equipment.

Does the Makery accept donations?

Sometimes, yes. The Makery accepts some donations of materials or equipment on an as-needed basis. Any fabric donations must be from pet-free and smoke-free homes. All donated items become library property and may be discarded if they are not used. Please call or email the Makery to see if we are accepting donations.

This is my first time. How do I learn all of this?

The Makery is a place for you to learn, experiment, and discover new skills. There’s no need to be an expert. Come and learn with us! Here are some additional resources you can explore:

Can I get help with my project?

Makery staff are available to help you troubleshoot and answer your questions. You are responsible for preparing your designs and completing your project.

Can I host a group class or party in the Makery?

No. The Makery is not available for group reservations. The Makery is loud and is not conducive to meetings or group work. The Makery is reserved specifically for the use of Makery equipment and services. Please use other areas in the Library to read, study, or do group work. Any groups visiting The Makery must be limited to 8 people and may not occupy more than 2 tables.

I made something amazing! How can I share it?

We’d love to hear about it! Share your story here.

I have more questions. Who can I talk to?


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