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Volunteer opportunities are available only to Elmhurst residents.

VicNet Login for Middle School Volunteers

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Middle School

Middle School Volunteers

Positions vary throughout the year depending on what kind of help is needed in the Kids’ Library. Some sample volunteer opportunities may include assembling activity kits or assisting with programs.

Applications open April 1-May 1.
The summer volunteer program runs May 17-July 31.

Middle School Volunteer

Teens & Adults

Teen Advisors

Grades 9-12
Help plan Library programs for teens, voice your opinion, and make new friends. Please email the Teen Librarian for meeting days and times.

Teen/Adult Volunteer


Outreach Volunteer

Volunteers are needed to deliver materials to patrons who cannot get to the Library. You must be comfortable driving and enjoy working with people. You must also be able to work efficiently and productively with minimal supervision and follow detailed instructions with accuracy. No more than three hours per week, year round. For questions, call (630) 279-8696 or email

  • Must use their own vehicle.
  • Background check required.
  • Good driving record required.
  • Adequate auto insurance required.

Outreach Volunteer


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Your feedback is a very important part of Elmhurst Public Library’s effort to improve the quality and effectiveness of services to the community.

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Please respond by May 11, 2022.