Databases for Books & Literature
Find a book to read
- BookBrowse A treasure trove of resources for readers, including reviews, excerpts, readalikes interviews, articles, newsletters, book club resources and more.
- Novelist Plus Online electronic readers’ advisory which assists fiction and nonfiction readers in finding new titles and authors from all subjects, periods and genres. Contains full-text reviews and read-alikes for many titles.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Provides complete, full-text access to the Dictionary of Literary Biography (vols. 1-348).
- Literature Criticism Online Provides complete, full-text access to the following print titles: Twentieth Century Literary Criticism (vols. 1-271), Nineteenth Century Literary Criticism (vols. 1-210) and Children’s Literature Review.
- Literature Reference Books Online Includes the full-text of a number of reference books about literature, including:
- Contemporary Novelists
- Drama for Students
- Epics for Students
- Literary Themes for Students
- Novels for Students
- Short Stories for Students
Websites for fiction readers:
- All About Romance The back fence for lovers of romance novels.
- BookBrowse Your guide to exceptional books.
- Books in Series The What’s Next?: Book In Series™ database was developed and is maintained by the Kent District Library.
- BookSpot Another great site with lots of features to help you find the next good book.
- Christian Fiction Search by genre, then choose based on age, audience, format.
- Gentle reads Lists of good old fashioned stories without a lot of sex or violence, from the Los Angeles Public Library.
- Graphic Novels All about graphic novels, including reviews and author interviews.
- Historical Fiction Useful resources to find new authors, bestselling historical fiction and editors’ choices.
- Horror For fiction and film horror reviews.
- Read West Great for finding book reviews and author websites for westerns. Also has online books to read.
- SF Site The home page for science fiction and fantasy.
- Stop, You’re Killing Me! A resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books.
Websites for nonfiction readers: